Get rid of unnecessary fees by applying for a Skrill VIP status through Paynura affiliate program.
With the Paynura affiliate program, your users reach a higher Skrill VIP status and more excellent benefits faster.
Fees for regular Skrill customers can accumulate to a quite substantial amount. But, VIP upgrades can cancel a lot of these costs.
The higher the status, the greater the benefits, and lower the costs. So, what can you do to optimize your and your users' payouts? We’ll take you step-by-step towards a Skrill VIP Upgrade. A certain quarterly transfer amount is the only requirement for getting a VIP status.
Skrill considers transactions that you make to merchants or by buying or selling Crypto (in selected countries only). The cash transfers between users are not part of the calculation. In a quarterly period, at least 6.000 EUR (or equivalent amount in other fiat currency) must be transferred to your Skrill wallet. Skrill will upgrade you the next day, and thus you become a holder of Skrill VIP account.
However, the upgrade is not permanent. You will keep your status for the current and the next quarter, for at least three months up to half a year. If your transactions suffice, you’ll keep the status beyond that period. Otherwise, you might lose it, and then the initial fees apply again.
Let us clarify this with an example. If your VIP status is approved on January 15, you will have Skrill VIP status till the end of March (current quarter) and continue to hold Skrill VIP status for next quarter (April, May, and June).
If your transactions from the second quarter do not reach the threshold, Skrill will not prolong your VIP benefits.
Skrill divides the year into four quarters: Quarter 1: January, February, March / Quarter 2: April, May, June / Quarter 3: July, August, September / Quarter 4: October, November, December
There are several benefits of a Skrill VIP status, such as reduced transaction fees, priority uploads, higher limits, multiple currency accounts. However, the threshold for Skrill upgrades is kept very high.
Paynura can help you reach Skrill VIP upgrades faster by cutting down the verification time. Regular users get an upgrade from Skrill in 72 hours. At Paynura we help expedite that process, usually within a couple of hours during the week and between 24 and 28 hours during the weekend.
Skrill offers four VIP levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond VIP Status. Paynura lowers the threshold requirements so that you can reach a Skrill VIP status faster.
For Skrill Bronze VIP your transfer amount needs to reach 3.000 EUR (or equivalent amount in other currency). With 5.000 EUR transferred to merchants, you will be able to reach Skrill Silver VIP. If your quarterly transfers amount to 15.000 EUR, Paynura can upgrade you to Skrill Gold VIP. With 45.000 EUR transferred you will be entitled to a Skrill Diamond VIP.
By entering the Paynura Affiliate Program, you will have access to exclusive benefits: